At Some Point, Every Homeowner Needs a New Roof

Whether you’re planning to stay in your current home for life or just the average eight years most homeowners remain in one place, the odds you’ll need a new roof at some point are pretty high.

More than one-third of houses in the United States are over 50 years old. As of 2021, about 10.5 million homes were between 20 and 31 years old. Roofs typically last around 20 years, so whether you’re a long-time resident in your current home or moved into an older home more recently, inspecting the roof is a good idea. You may be in that 20-year range and ready for a new roof.

Here are some signs that will help you determine if it’s time.

First, missing shingles are a tell-tale sign. This happens when the shingle itself weakens, and the adhesive holding the bottom in place starts separating. At that point, all it takes is a strong gust of wind for a shingle to fall off.

You can also look for cupping, curling or clawing. Cupping and curling look very similar, with the ends of the shingles peeling away and beginning to point upward. Clawing occurs when the center of the shingle lifts while the ends stay in contact with the roof. Neither condition is a good sign. This type of damage can result from extreme temperatures, improper installation, poor ventilation or age.

Then there’s the presence of loose grit and granules from asphalt shingles. These granules create a barrier between the sun and the shingle. It’s normal for a bit of grit to loosen up and fall off (especially when the roof is new). But if more and more granules are collecting in the gutters every fall, there might be a problem. Without the grit, the sun will bake the shingles and cause them to warp, cup or deteriorate. A roof replacement may be in order.

Be aware of what may look like cracks in groups of shingles. These are likely tears resulting from prolonged thermal expansion and contraction cycles. As the sun heats the roof, the shingles expand. As the temperatures drop, they contract. Over time, these tiles tear and become the prime location for leaks and structural damage.

Finally, notice whether the roof is sagging. This may be the most revealing sign that your roof needs replacing. Sagging occurs when there is a structural issue below the shingles, such as severe water damage or a broken rafter. In either case, you need a roofing pro to remove the shingles and plywood sheathing to get to the heart of the problem.

At Garrett Construction and Roofing, roofs are our specialty. Under the experienced leadership of Matt Garrett, our experienced crews stand ready to handle all your roofing needs. Serving East Tennessee since 2005, we are a licensed General Contractor and our general services range from full residential and commercial construction projects to remodeling, painting, drywall, roofing and gutters. Call us for a free consultation.